A list of available internal placeholders
These are the current placeholders available in the plugin. Please note that these are not PAPI placeholders, therefore they are not supported anywhere outside the plugin.
Available field represents where the placeholder can be used.
Config: Usable in the config.yml
Lang: Usable in the language files. Example: en_US.yml
& any new language files that you may add later on.
Display name of the player
Config + Lang
X value of player's current location
Config + Lang
Y value of player's current location
Config + Lang
Z value of player's current location
Config + Lang
Returns the location of Delivery board block
Lang (Specific Lore)
Time before the delivery ends or refreshes
Lang (Specific Lore)
Amount of players who have already submitted the delivery
Lang (Specific Lore)
Max amount of players allowed to complete the delivery
Lang (Specific Lore)
The amount of item/currency required to skip the delivery
Lang (Specific Lore)
PAPI Placeholders
Returns the name of the player on that rank. Rank can be from 1 to 10. Example: %deliveryboard_name_1%
will return name of the rank 1 player who has the highest points.
Returns the points of the player on that rank. Rank can be from 1 to 10. Example: %deliveryboard_points_1%
will return points of the rank 1 player.
%deliveryboard_cooldown_<id no.>%
Returns the cooldown for that Delivery. Id no can be from 0 to 26. 0 is the first delivery mentioned in active-deliveries
section in config. Example: %deliveryboard_cooldown_0%
will return remaining time until refresh for the first delivery.
Last updated